Though this was a guest post on a blog about "life after college," I read an article this morning that I couldn't help but share: Why Successful People Are Crazy — and You Should Be Too — by Eric Lunsford
The HME world isn't exactly the target audience, this is exactly the kind of energy we can benefit from. Here's an excerpt:
Crazy is different. Crazy makes a difference.
And that’s exactly why the people who truly succeed in life choose to
be crazy. Those that don’t take chances are stuck. Stuck in a life they
don’t enjoy – waiting for the day their dreams magically come true.
Not. Going. To. Happen.
Not without crazy choices at least.
Take a minute to think:
- If Ben Franklin didn’t have the “crazy” idea for Night Riders to deliver mail between colonies at night, the mail system we have now may not exist. In fact, the entire fate of the American Revolution may have been different.
- If Richard Branson didn’t make the “crazy” choice to sign the (at the time) unwanted band the Sex Pistols, he may have never grown to the position he is at now with over 400 Virgin companies affecting the entire globe in more industries than you can count.
- If Yvon Chouinard didn’t go on the “crazy” 6 month trip to Patagonia his friend recommended, we likely would not have the brand Patagonia or any of the environmental initiatives we have today created by him and his employees.
Think about what "crazy" might mean for home health care: Not waiting around to see what may or may not happen with competitive bidding. Taking control of the way we communicate with patients and partners in care. Doing the right thing. Trying new marketing strategies. Embracing new technology. Incorporating fun into the day-to-day routines.
There isn't any good reason I can think of to leave this kind of motivation to the recent college grads of the world. It is easy – especially when it comes to marketing and branding – to get stuck in a rut or be wary of not following the pack. Today, challenge yourself to be a little crazy, to think outside the box. What did you come up with? Did you solve a problem? Have a new idea? Let me know! Leave a comment or shoot me an email.