Friday, May 27, 2011

The Golden Rule of High Gas Costs

We are all painfully aware of the increased cost of fuel and sometimes there is no choice left but to pass some of that increase on to customers. Just last week I read an article on the HME News website about high gas prices impacting delivery and shipping costs for providers.

Obviously no one wants to pay more for the same goods and services; informing your patients of higher rates, even just a few cents, can feel like a balancing act. It is important to keep them informed yet you want to keep them happy. Though it may not seem like it, this is a mini marketing exercise for you! Any time you have communication with a customer there is an opportunity to strengthen or weaken your brand. If you do have to increase pricing due to fuel costs, be up front with patients. Let them know you are actively monitoring costs to continue to provide a level of service they have come to expect from your company. 

However you deliver your message (email, statement stuffers, phone calls, etc.) the most important element is to be clear in your communication. Building trust with customers is important for repeat business. If you are ever in doubt, use The Golden Rule: Picture yourself as the patient. Would you be satisfied with your own communication? If your answer is "yes," then you're probably on the right track. If your answer is "no," readjust... or get a hold of me!

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