"What really decides consumers 'to buy' or 'not to buy'
is the content of your advertising, not its form."
is the content of your advertising, not its form."
David Ogilvy
Ok... maybe it's not that secret, but content marketing has been growing in popularity for one very important reason: it works.
If content marketing is a new term for you, have no fear, it's a simple concept. Rather than purchasing flashy tools or distracting giveaways, content marketing is a strategy of focusing your marketing efforts around quality, informative, relevant messages to your consumer. It doesn't mean that some giveaways aren't also important; they just shouldn't be the workhorse of your marketing plan. The idea is to create deeper connections with your current and potential consumers to facilitate long-term relationships. For example, a monthly newsletter filled with relevant content is much more valuable to the middle-aged sleep apnea patient than a pillow shaped stress ball with your company logo on it.
This article from Entrepreneur (written by Ann Handley) does a nice job of outlining some basic tips for developing your own content marketing. Here are a few of the suggestions from the article:
Compare: Why are you better than the next provider? That's what your potential customers are asking when they visit your website for the first time. Does your website give them an answer? Try including a downloadable PDF with your features, benefits and why you are better than the HME down the street.
Use Resources Wisely: This happens to be an old Girl Scout motto (at least when I was a Brownie!) but it works in business, too. The success stories of your current patients - and referral sources - are great stories to tell about your company. Use them.
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